Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog Post 6

Networked Student

     Today I watched Wendy Drexler's youtube video "Networked Student". In it we see the world of the 21st century student. It is truly amazing the amount of new technology our students have at their disposal. Once embraced by the learning community, these technologies will allow teachers to learn with their students. They will be able to interact in a far different way than the archaic teaching methods of the 20th century.

     The teacher of tomorrow will not stand at the front of a classroom and lecture point by point. They will become the guiding light for the 21st century student. They will show students how to teach themselves. They will give needed advice and show what these technologies can do for their students. They will not give away knowledge, but show students how to attain knowledge.  

     The teacher of tomorrow will have to always be learning. We can not allow ourselves to accept mediocrity. Education in America must evolve. We have taught the same way for hundreds of years. It truly is time for a change. We soldiers of education must learn to adapt and overcome if we want to make a positive impact on this brave new world.  

Welcome to my PLE

     Next I watched one 7th grader's journey through this new technology in the youtube video "Welcome to my PLE." We see rather quickly that this new movement is not only in motion but has made a substantial impact on this student's life. Instead of having to ask the teacher for help or what she needed to accomplish for the day, She uses critical thinking skills to teach herself.

     I feel that this is the way of the future. We must allow our students to have an active role in how they are taught. By doing so, we are giving these students the tools they will need to live and work in a technologically driven world. The more creative and critical thinking skills we can bestow upon our students the better.

Project 9a Timetoast


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog Post 5

Don't Teach Your Kids this stuff. Please?

     Today I read Dr. Scott McLeod's blog post Don't Teach Your Kids this stuff. Please?. In it McLeod pokes fun at many of the stereotypical responses to technology. He speaks the truth with his sarcasm. So many people are afraid to embrace technology for so many different reasons. Yet, there is no reason to let ourselves fall behind in education. We must use every asset we possess to maintain our standing and begin to move away from the bottom of the barrel. Dr. McLeod is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Kentucky. He also is the founding director of CASTLE, the nation's only academic center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators.

     Today I watched Travis Allen's video The iSchool initiative (Mobile Learning). In it we learn of a new program thought up by a 17 year old student. Easily one can see the value that this technology could bestow upon the schools of American student. The money saved and the environmental impact reduced by such technology is amazing. Embracing a medium that the students already know how to use will allow this technology to acclimate faster.  

     I then watched Travis Allen's follow-up videoTravis Allen's ZeitgeistYoungMinds entry (Mobile Learning) iSchool Initiative. In it we see his dream moving into action. All over the country schools are embracing his ischool program. Through technology, students are being taught in a different and creative way. By allowing the student to be involved in teaching we have and will continue to see positive growth and forward thinking.    

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'

     Today I watched Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'. In it we see an amazing combination of 185 voices formed into a choir. The funny thing is these people were not together and all the voices were recorded at different times. It is fantastic to hear and amazing to see where we are going with the technology that has been given to us. Mr. Whitacre did an amazing job and his work is an inspiration.

Teaching In the 21st Century

     Tonight I watched Kevin Roberts' video Teaching In the 21st Century. In it Roberts answers a tough question, "What does it mean to teach in the 21st Century?". The truth is that a teacher can never stop learning. Just as they ask their students, teachers must be prepared to give their all and do their best.

     Technology is changing the way students learn. Teachers must control how this new technology is used. We must allow these students to think for themselves, and prepare them for lives beyond the school fences. Life can be very hard, but the better we prepare ourselves for what is to come the better the outcome for us all.

     Like everyone in EDM310, I want to one day be a teacher. I want to do my best to give students the tools to succeed in all their endeavors. With the help of these new technologies we can teach an infinite amount of material in a shorter time. We can give these students a chance to rise back to the top in education.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Project 6 My Sentence Movie

Blog Post 4


     Today I listened to a podcast named Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom. In it Joe Dale tells us the benefits of bringing podcasts into the classroom. He goes on to point out that the students that we will encounter today have never lived a life without technology. The amount of time that they devote to texting on their phone and watching television is mind-boggling. We learn rather quickly that students can understand and use podcast technology to enhance their learning experiences.

    I then took a look at Eagles' Nest Radio & Class Blog. On this site we see wonderful examples of podcast use in the classroom. While listening to these children it is hard to believe that they are only in the third grade. The amount of creativity and self confidence that is instilled into these children is off the charts. I also took a look at Langwitches Blog. On this site one can watch first grade students utilize podcast technology to teach themselves and their peers. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


C4T#1 Comment 1

     I recently read Wesley Fryer's blog post "Key's to PBL and student centered learning". In it Fryer talks about the links between creativity and the way in which students are taught. It lead to the realization that if technology is not embraced as the wonderful teaching tool it is, the United States will truly fall behind the rest of the world in education.

     Throughout America students are taught in a very archaic fashion. Instead of embracing creativity, it seems as if schools today try to take those feelings and aspirations away. I feel this is a mistake, and without a reformation of the way unto which we as a people approach teaching our children we may truly be lost.

C4T#1 Comment 2

     Today I read Wesley Fryer's blog post "Hello from Shanghai". In it Fryer tells us of his journey to Shanghai, China. He tells us that he is there to attend a conference for the betterment of education worldwide. The conference is taking place in Shanghai which is a city of 22 million people. Great minds from around the world have come to one place solely for the betterment of learning. I truly hope that through works such as this conference we can become world leaders in education.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog Post 3

Tutorial Peer Editing

     I recently read Hillary Parmer's Blog. In it she eloquently tells us the reader about a series of five short videos that help us understand the direct relationship between the way students are taught and the ability to use critical thinking skills. We also learn that art and music programs directly help to promote creativity.

     In her review of Did You Know?, she spoke about the shocking number of students falling behind in our schools as well as the United States being far surpassed by other countries in the ways of education. I think she hit the nail on the head. In her review of Mr. Winkle Wakes I think she missed the mark a bit. I believe the film was trying to point out the fact that "most" schools do not have the technology that others do and this causes our children to have to learn in a very archaic way.

     In her review of Can U.S. Students Compete? I think she did a good job of telling us what she saw in the video but not so much what that means to her. I believe that video was trying to really drive home the point that without creativity our children will be lost. And finally she reviewed Harness students' Digital Smarts. In it she wrote about Vikki Davis and her wonderful approach to teaching her class. Again, Hillary captured the idea of the video but not it's repercussions. The way Ms. Davis is allowing her students to learn through their own actions can revolutionize the way we approach any subject taught in schools.

     In all, I believe that Hillary Parmer's Blog was very thoughtful and I could tell she enjoyed the videos. She did a good job with her grammar and sentence structure. She also wrote in a very thoughtful way. I only wish that she would dive below the surface and tell us how the video's made her feel.

It's Not About the Technology

     Today I read Kelly Hines' blog post "It's Not About the Technology". In it we read that technology though important is not what teachers should be focused on. Yes, technology can be a wonderful tool to aid learners, but teachers must change the way they think and become learners themselves. Instead of talking at students, teachers can learn with their students.

     Today's students are capable of becoming the world leaders in technology. Give the tools and the right instruction we as a people can accomplish anything. The world is ever changing and unless we all can evolve with these social and technological changes we will not be able to keep moving forward in this brave new world.

Is It Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

     Today I read Carl Fisch's Blog "Is It Okay to be a Technologically Illiterate Teacher?". In it he tells that it is most important for teachers to be on the forefront of the efforts to teach children new technology. He says that there is no excuse for allowing teachers to make excuses while jeopardizing the chances for their charges to succeed.

     We can not allow our children to fall behind the rest of the world in learning anymore. Education is the key for our children to unlock the door to endless possibilities. If we do not give these students the tools they need to be productive citizens in the future we have not done our jobs as educators.

 Gary's Social Media Count

     Today I read Gary Hayes Blog "Gary's Social Media Count". When you first click on the link you see first hand how much information is flying around out there. He tells us that every year the amount of social media used increases at a rate we never could have imagined. Moving forward we have to realize what this means to us and how we can adapt to these changes.

     Social media can be a little scary at first. If we do not make the effort now to embrace these new technologies the learning curve will be tremendous. These are the tools we will use to teach the children of tomorrow and we have to be ready to use them. We must not allow our standing in the world of education to slip down anymore.

A Vision of Students Today

     Today I watched Michael Welch's video "A Vision of Students Today". In it, we see what the students of today are really thinking about and what they are really doing with their time. It is true that what is expected of today's student is above and beyond what is humanly possible. The amount of information that one is expected to absorb is astronomical.

     So what does that mean for the teachers of tomorrow? We have to adapt to these realities and change the way we teach. We have to understand the world that our students live and teach in such a way that can bridge the gap between the ways of yesteryear and the technologies of today. We have to make these students understand the value of education and focus our attentions on what they need to know. Time is precious and we must use it wisely.