Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog Post 6

Networked Student

     Today I watched Wendy Drexler's youtube video "Networked Student". In it we see the world of the 21st century student. It is truly amazing the amount of new technology our students have at their disposal. Once embraced by the learning community, these technologies will allow teachers to learn with their students. They will be able to interact in a far different way than the archaic teaching methods of the 20th century.

     The teacher of tomorrow will not stand at the front of a classroom and lecture point by point. They will become the guiding light for the 21st century student. They will show students how to teach themselves. They will give needed advice and show what these technologies can do for their students. They will not give away knowledge, but show students how to attain knowledge.  

     The teacher of tomorrow will have to always be learning. We can not allow ourselves to accept mediocrity. Education in America must evolve. We have taught the same way for hundreds of years. It truly is time for a change. We soldiers of education must learn to adapt and overcome if we want to make a positive impact on this brave new world.  

Welcome to my PLE

     Next I watched one 7th grader's journey through this new technology in the youtube video "Welcome to my PLE." We see rather quickly that this new movement is not only in motion but has made a substantial impact on this student's life. Instead of having to ask the teacher for help or what she needed to accomplish for the day, She uses critical thinking skills to teach herself.

     I feel that this is the way of the future. We must allow our students to have an active role in how they are taught. By doing so, we are giving these students the tools they will need to live and work in a technologically driven world. The more creative and critical thinking skills we can bestow upon our students the better.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Christopher,

    My name is Adrienne Babb and I really enjoyed reading your post on Wendy Drexler's video, "Networked Student". I agree that educators really must adapt to the changes that have come and will continue to come in the future. I believe that educators have been too frigid in their methods of teaching and willingness to change, even in the best interest of the student. I love that you said "they will not give away knowledge, but will show students how to attain knowledge", that perfectly sums up our education system in the past. I say the past because through this class I am visiting blogs that are showing me that changes are being made and as long as we keep progressing, we will make that positive impact that you mentioned.
