Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post 10

"Do you Teach or Do you Educate?"

     I recently watched a you tube video by Joshua Bloom called "Do you teach or Do you Educate?". In it, Bloom eloquently explains the difference between being a teacher and becoming an educator. He said that a teacher is someone who causes or even forces someone to learn. That is a scary thought. No one should use punishment as an incentive to learn. He then says that an educator is someone who cultivates thought and nurtures creativity.

     I believe most people who became teachers aspire to be educators. Over time people lose their drive and become lethargic. We must always try to do better, to be better. We must never lose sight of the our purpose as educators. We must always educate to inspire creativity and problem solving. I believe that students and teachers alike are ready for change and would welcome it. We must continue to pursue greatness. We must find inspiration in our students as they would hopefully find it in us.

"Don't Let Them Take Home The Pencils"

     When was last time you picked up a pencil? The last time I used a pencil I was doing a wood working project and used it to mark a line. When was the last time you put pencil to paper? I wrote a shopping list out about a year ago I now just type it  up and print it put on the inkjet. When was the last time you used a pencil to write something meaningful? I wrote thank-you notes in pencil for gifts after graduation from high school in 2003. John Spencer makes the point that pencils are more than archaic tools used by an older generation in his plog post "Don't Let Them Take Home The Pencils".

     I never gave much thought to the use of pencils, yet I truly can not remember the last time I carried one around or used one for more than a second. We must realize that students follow our lead. We will spend more time with our students than they will with their parents. So it is up to us as educators to give them a good set of tools to carry with them into their regular lives outside of school. Technology is important but we must not lose sight of the past either.

     Everyday, students and teachers must make decisions toward our future. They choose what they will learn and how they will learn it. Technology has made it much easier to find and process information. Yet, is it not just as important to use your own mind? Shouldn't we be able to write our thoughts and feelings on paper? We are the future of this profession and it our duty to give our charges every tool to accomplish their goals. Even if that tool is the humble pencil.



C4T Comment 1

     I recent commented on Mr. Chase's blog post "Things I Know 247 of 365". In it he talks about his observations at his local gym's rock wall. Three students were helping each other to accomplish their goal of climbing the wall. They gave each other encouragement and helped each other to complete the desired task. They were only eight years old. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that students are people with thoughts and feelings too. They are all different, and not everyone learns the same. We have to be observant and do our best to listen.

Hello Mr. Chase,
My name is Christopher Reindl. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I liked your blog post for a few reasons. First, I enjoyed your realization that kids can and do learn outside of the classroom. We forget sometimes that life is a constant teacher and we must always listen to it's lessons. Second, we must not be afraid to learn from our students. In our struggle to teach students, we forget that we can learn just as much for our charges. Third, words of encouragement can mean more than you think. We our so quick to point out shortcomings, and so slow in providing praise. Sometimes, a good job deserves a "good job". Finally, we should always learn from our environments around us. It is so easy to invert into our own thoughts and forget there is a whole world around us. We must always be learning. 
Christopher Reindl 

C4T Comment 2

     Today I commented on another blog post by Mr. Chase called "Things I Know 250 of 365". In it Chase describes his encounter with a school run like a prison. Children could not even speak to each other. I will never understand the thought process that would make this right. Our children are our future and we must not prepare them to be prisoners we must allow them to be problem solvers. By hindering students ability to grow and mature in a normal way can and will have detrimental effects on our country. I hope we can see the error in our ways. I don't know if I could teach in a place like that...    

Hello again Mr. Chase,
My name is Christopher Reindl and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I I truly do not understand why this is allowed to go on in America. I understand the need for order, but students have rights too. Basic human rights should not be taken away from anyone especially those there to seek an education. Uniforms and dress codes may seem like good ideas, but it takes away the creativity and drive in students. We should make the school an inviting and comforting place to come and learn. You can not teach through fear. We must not let this become the norm in this ever changing America. We can do better.
Christopher Reindl

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project 9b Timetoast

"Timetoast (Instructional)"

Blog Post 9

"What I Have Learned This Year 2008-2009"

     I recently read Mr. McClung's blog post "What I Have Learned This Year". In it we read one teacher's reflections on his first year teaching. He said in the article that it was hard for him to give up on his perfect lesson plans at first, but he realized that the most important thing was going with the flow and teaching for his students. It is difficult to change your way of thinking but we must always be learning.

     We as prospective teachers must realize how important it is to understand our charges and help them comprehend and hopefully retain the information given to them. It is the purpose of teachers to help students to become better learners. I certainly agree that we can not expect our students to learn if we will not. We must allow ourselves to embrace technology and give our all to our profession.

"What I Have Learned This Year 2009-2010"

     I recently read Mr. McClung's second blog post "What I Have Learned This Year". In it we read about a man in transition. McClung has finished his second year of teaching. In his first dispatch, he felt at home with his students and his first school. In this second dispatch, he felt that he had many shortcomings and wants to do better. He said that his second year was a very humbling experience.

     Though disheartened a bit, McClung remembered his core reason for being a teacher. His students are first and foremost the most important aspect of his job. Though he encounters strife with the administration, he does his best to give his best in the classroom. Students encounter some much in their lives that they need teachers to be their rock. They need to know that we have the answers and are available to help them. We have to develop as teachers just as we expect our students to develop into good learners.

"What I Have Learned This Year 2010-2011"

     I just finished reading Mr. McClung's third blog post "What I Have Learned This Year". In it we read about a teacher that is finally finding his stride in the classroom. He has implemented technology into his lessons and has become more prone to help his school on his own time. He has never lost sight of his goals. His students are better for it and he now has the ability to focus on what is truly important, the good of his students.

     I never thought about all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes for the 21st century teacher. So much time is devoted to planning and scheduling. Students don't care about any of that. We must be consistent in our time management and allocate enough time to be the teachers we aspire to be. Our students will demand our best and we must be prepared to give our all. If we don't...What is the point?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post 8

"This is How we Dream"

     I recently watched Dr. Richard E. Miller's you tube video "This is how we dream". In the video we learn of new and interesting ways people are using the web, and the importance of collaboration between the Humanities and the Sciences. It is true that with this relationship great strides can be made toward a much more technologically savvy society.

     I find the fact that web bases such as Google Documents have made it possible to collaborate worldwide. People from all over the world can simultaneously work on the same document together. Technology like this opens the doors to a whole new world for the 21st century student. By working with other schools in other countries worldwide, students could hold a ticket to greatness.

     We must make this a viable option for today's teacher. We must make available the funds to invest in the technology and infrastructure to make this dream possible. If we are to remain a world leader we must stay ahead of the learning curve. There is much to learn and more to learn everyday. We must strive to always be learning. This is a dream we can achieve and I think it is one we must achieve.

"Carly Pugh's Blog Post 12"

     I invite everyone to check out Carly Pugh's Blog Post 12. The original purpose of her assignment was to come up with an idea that Dr. Strange should have taught in EDM310. What she accomplished was amazing. She made a playlist of you tube videos that not only described her love of writing but also made us the viewer think.

     I also do not believe that you tube alone can fix our problems, but it is a fantastic starting point. The videos we see on you tube make us think and cause our creative juices flowing. The idea of putting together groups of videos that move and inspire you is a very good one. I also truly loved the way Carly interlaced her playlist into her blog. In doing so, we as the reader knew why she she picked her videos and why they were important to her.

     If students were given assignments based on this playlist they would be encouraged to take charge and take the reigns of their own educational journey. Every tool that teachers can use to help students learn should be utilized. Who knows, they might even enjoy learning. That is our goal. We must inspire the 21st century student to strive for excellence.

EDM 310 For Dummies

     I recently watched the you tube video "EDM 310 For Dummies". In it we see the struggle of two students to try and understand Dr. Strange speak. It is a foreign language that no student can understand. Yet, once the students began to relax and learned to make mistakes, their intellectual journey began.

    I to have felt the frustration of the students in the video and wanted to give up. I could not understand the importance of technology and why I needed to learn it. I was reluctant to let myself try to do the work because I was afraid to fail. It is alright to make mistakes and through continued learning we all have grown as people and students.


     I recently watched a video called Chipper. Chipper is a fictional character that has a very strange adventure. Because she doesn't want to work hard and do her best, she drops out of school and after many jobs becomes a trash collector. She then realizes that school is her only way out so she comes back.

     I believe the moral of the story is there are no shortcuts. We have to apply ourselves to succeed. We can't allow ourselves to settle for a second class education. We have to do better and not be afraid of hard work. Yes, EDM310 is hard but it is worth doing the work. We will be better people because of it.

Learn to Change,Change to Learn

     "The death of education, but the dawn of learning". I recently watched the you tube video "Learn to Change, Change to Learn". In it, the educators of today talk about the changes occurring in the schools. School as we knew it has become archaic. The Chalkboards have been replaced with smart boards. Textbooks will soon be found exclusively in e-reader form.

     Students will soon be their own teacher, and the teacher will be the guide. Group collaboration and technology based study will be the focus. Creativity will be able to prosper and students will be more able to achieve their dreams. With the tools that the 21st century student will attain, they will be more prepared for life after school.

     I feel like we are on the verge of greatness. We are on the right track but there are light years to travel, and a very short time to get there. We have to put our nose to the grindstone and begin the uphill climb. There is much to overcome but we can get there. There is no reason to not.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Comment 1
     I recently watched John Stossel's report "Stupid in America". In it he show the shocking results of teaching in a archaic fashion. It seems wrong, but it is the way our children our learning everyday. We must rise above and learn to teach better. If we don't we are doomed to repeat this cycle of failure. Failure not only to ourselves but to our students as well.

      "I can hardly believe the images of classrooms in our best American high schools. I do not understand why children would act like this to their teachers. We are so behind the rest of the world in the realm of education that we must take control of this extreme situation. We must allow our students to become a part of a new way of teaching. We must use technology as a tool to promote creativity and self improvement. We have to focus more on learning and not test taking, but we have a huge hill to climb. We must dig in and take on this problem together or we all will fail."

Comment 2

     I recently left the comment below for an article I read called "Yes, Technology in School Mostly Stinks". In it we see the complete lack of participation of academia in technology. Teacher's must allow themselves to be constant learners. To be a good teacher one must be able to provide the best education possible for their students. Technology is the gateway to our future and it can be a light in the dark. Please don't extinguish it's flame.          

     "Only 0.3 percent of teachers today are actively seeking to use technology for learning and teaching in their daily lives. I find that number shocking. How could teachers allow themselves to pass up an opportunity to better the educational experience for themselves and their charges. Technology is not going to vanish anytime soon. We must allow ourselves to embrace this changing landscape. The sooner the better."

Blog Post 7

Randy Paush Last Lecture

     Today I watched the moving last lecture of Randy Paush. In it he said, "When you are screwing up and no one cares to tell you anymore, that means they gave up." From that moment I knew I should sit and listen to this great man. Paush has truly been a guiding light in the field of technology and his contributions of Alice into schools around the world can still be seen today. He saw what was coming and gave his life to the pursuit of his dreams and helping other to achieve theirs as well.

     The lessons on life that Paush gives during the lecture will not soon be forgotten. He said, "If you live the best you can your dreams will come to you." I believe that if you give everything in all your pursuits you truly have lived a good life. We can never forget how short our time on this earth is, so we must live our lives to the fullest and be the best we can be while we are here.

     I for one have hit my share of brick walls. Paush talks about how we must not let them stop us. Life is a long and forked road. Whatever path you forge will become the legacy you leave. In this technological world we have this opportunity. I hope that I can live up to the expectations of men like Randy Paush. The world is a better place because of him.

     From this video I am left feeling a bit bewildered. I wonder if I will be remembered and if I can leave a positive mark on the world. I am left hoping that I can break through the walls and continue to follow my dreams. I am left wondering if I can be a good and technological teacher. Then I wonder if I will be able to enable other to obtain their dream. Only time will tell.    

Sunday, October 2, 2011

C4K Summary Post 1

Comment 1

     My first comment was written to Stevie. Stevie wrote a very nice blog post about his field day experiences at school. The post was well written and one could tell how much Stevie enjoyed using this technological medium to express opinions.     

Hello Stevie,
     My name is Christopher Reindl. I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I truly enjoyed reading about your silly day experience. I remember that when I was in elementary school we had a field day, too. Sometimes it is nice to leave the classroom and enjoy the beautiful day with your friends. I very much look forward to reading more of your blog.

Comment 2

     My second comment was also to Stevie. In this post one reads about a drug prevention class that Stevie attended at school. These classes are very important and must continue if we are curb drug use.  

Hello Stevie, 
     I can not say enough about how much I enjoy reading your blog. You learned some very important life lessons in your drug class that will be very important for you in the future. When you grow up you will always be confronted with tough decisions. I know that with critical thinking skills like you possess you will do just fine. I look forward to your next blog post. 

Comment 3

     My third comment was left for Brayden. He did a wonderful job of telling the reader about a very interesting animal, the Fennec Fox. His post was very informative and well written.

Hello Brayden,

     I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I just finished reading your blog and I found it very informative and creative. I never new such an interesting animal even existed. I also liked that you included links to other sites that helped me to learn more about the Fennec Fox. Thank you so much for your good work and I look forward to reading more blog posts by you.

Comment 4

     My fourth comment was for Vatzana. In her blog post she thanked Lucy for here generous contribution of I-pads for the whole school. This technology was much needed and will give kids like Vatana a leg up in the world. I also left a post for the entire class to thank them for their well written letters.

Hello Vatzana,
     I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I like your energy. I enjoyed reading your letter. It is true that children love to play video games and by harnessing that we can teach valuable computer skills for the future. I hope that your I-pad serves you well.

Hello all,
     I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I very much like to see technology in the classroom. I love the fact that students get the opportunity to learn in a whole new way. Thank you Lucy and thank you students for your wonderful letters.

Comment 5

     My fifth comment was left for Georgie. In this post we learn what place Georgie would go and why. I found the post fun and interesting. 

Hello Georgie,
     I just finished reading your blog on your place. I too would love to see Hollywood. It just seems like a good place to go. I think that you write in a very nice way and look forward to reading more blog posts from you. Keep an eye out for movie stars.