Sunday, October 30, 2011


C4T Comment 1

     I recent commented on Mr. Chase's blog post "Things I Know 247 of 365". In it he talks about his observations at his local gym's rock wall. Three students were helping each other to accomplish their goal of climbing the wall. They gave each other encouragement and helped each other to complete the desired task. They were only eight years old. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that students are people with thoughts and feelings too. They are all different, and not everyone learns the same. We have to be observant and do our best to listen.

Hello Mr. Chase,
My name is Christopher Reindl. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I liked your blog post for a few reasons. First, I enjoyed your realization that kids can and do learn outside of the classroom. We forget sometimes that life is a constant teacher and we must always listen to it's lessons. Second, we must not be afraid to learn from our students. In our struggle to teach students, we forget that we can learn just as much for our charges. Third, words of encouragement can mean more than you think. We our so quick to point out shortcomings, and so slow in providing praise. Sometimes, a good job deserves a "good job". Finally, we should always learn from our environments around us. It is so easy to invert into our own thoughts and forget there is a whole world around us. We must always be learning. 
Christopher Reindl 

C4T Comment 2

     Today I commented on another blog post by Mr. Chase called "Things I Know 250 of 365". In it Chase describes his encounter with a school run like a prison. Children could not even speak to each other. I will never understand the thought process that would make this right. Our children are our future and we must not prepare them to be prisoners we must allow them to be problem solvers. By hindering students ability to grow and mature in a normal way can and will have detrimental effects on our country. I hope we can see the error in our ways. I don't know if I could teach in a place like that...    

Hello again Mr. Chase,
My name is Christopher Reindl and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I I truly do not understand why this is allowed to go on in America. I understand the need for order, but students have rights too. Basic human rights should not be taken away from anyone especially those there to seek an education. Uniforms and dress codes may seem like good ideas, but it takes away the creativity and drive in students. We should make the school an inviting and comforting place to come and learn. You can not teach through fear. We must not let this become the norm in this ever changing America. We can do better.
Christopher Reindl

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